

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Let's Talk About Periods - Book Of Elsa

It has come to my attention that I've had periods for fourteen years!
In all that time it is only just now that I've managed to get it under control. 
The first sight of my monthlies no longer induces sheer panic but more of a relief annoyance.
As it can be a bit scary time for teenager girls I thought a guide to periods would be most welcome.
I was way to embarrassed to want to talk about it. So here is some of my knowledge.

  1. It will take a year or two for your cycle to become regular. sorry ladies but that's a fact. Mine actually took five years before I could predict when they would happen so always (and I cannot emphasise this point enough) carry a pad/tampon with you at all times. If however, you forget like me plenty of times at lets say a cinema. Go to the bathroom and ask a lady for one. She will understand and most likely help you.
  2. Day one of a cycle is the 1st day of your period and your cycle last until the beggining of the next one which is between 28 to 30 days.
  3. There are a wide variety of products on the market but I would suggest starting with pads.

I am Back - Book Of Elsa

It's been a while beautiful people,
Technical issues stopping me from posting have finally been resolved. 

See You 