

Friday, 17 January 2014


I'm scared,
The world after university is too big and way too small at the same time.

My choices are limited and endless, I wake up everyday wishing someone would tell me what to do... point me in the right direction. A map maybe at the end of the bed that says 'Hey there! How's it going? Here's a plan for the rest of your life, enjoy" No such luck.

My plan B (and am really rooting for this) is an impending apocalypse ending the world as we know it (zombies if you're curious) so I won't have to make up my mind. Until then I'm here, typing like a lunatic at 4:41 am, because let's be honest if I don't use my brain for something soon it will atrophy.

By the way I love writing, don't even care that no one might be reading (hope there is at least one - please comment below if you are) It's the feeling of emptying my clustered mind onto paper/screen I adore. I can never make sense of words out loud but somehow when I write - and edit - I can convey my feelings in a way that other humans can understand.

See that is why I embrace other animals, they have no need for trivial stuff like syllables and sentences; grunts and body language works for them, sometimes I wish I could be more open to people. But then I wouldn't read or write. Blasphemy.

Good Morning,


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